Wednesday 7 December 2011


Joe Prileszky is an aspiring 19 year old student photographer, currently in his 1st year of
University studying photography, at degree entry level.

He says "Humans amaze me. I spend a lot of my time just observing people, wondering why they do the things they do. I'm curious, and I want to investigate this curiosity as much as I can. I want to learn more about the people I spend my time around, as they inspire me more than anyone in a gallery could. "

We find Joe's work very delicate, in terms of the direction of the models poses, image after image- the model connects with the viewer on a personal level. The lighting is usually always the opposite mood in his images as to how the model is posing, which is what we find very interesting, and inspiring about Joe's work.

Joe is certainly one to watch, and a naturally talented photographer.
To see more of his work, please visit the following websites-


written by
Twelve Magazine